Connecting to a BLE server with a known address (using ‘mgos_bt_gattc_connect(…)’ takes several seconds (3 to 6 secs or even more).
The BLE server is advertising once every second and is already bonded. I measure the time from calling ‘mgos_bt_gattc_connect’ to the receipt of the ‘MGOS_BT_GATTC_EV_CONNECT’ event.
Does anybody have experience with BLE client and this connection time?
hi Rolf
I do search for the same thing , to connect my peripheral to the ESP . Even the arduino ble stack is not that stable and has issues used along with aws iot and ble. Finally I thought of using the mongoose os and try but later I could see that everything else is implemented but not the BLE to another device is not available. I need to write the characteristics to my device from ESP.
Were you able to find any working code for the same .Please do help me