I am new to mongoose OS and struggling to write code to advertise data over ble
- My goal is: to advertise moisture sensor data…basically send this to another esp32 which then controls the water valve
- My actions are:here is the current code:
#include “mgos.h”
#include “mgos_adc.h”
#include “mgos_timers.h”
#include “mgos_app.h”
#include “mgos_sys_config.h”
#include “mgos_bt.h”
#define ADC_PIN 34
#define VERY_DRY_BOUNDARY 2000
#define DRY_BOUNDARY 1250
#define WET_BOUNDARY 760
#define SERVICE_UUID “4eb64a0f-6853-a880-4737-4bc914ef4636”
#define CHAR_UUID “5f6d4f53-5f52-5043-5f64-6174615f5f5f”
static struct mgos_bt_gatts_conn *s_conn = NULL;
static uint16_t s_char_handle = 0; // Store the characteristic handle
bool deviceConnected = false;
typedef enum {
DRY = 1,
WET = 2,
} MoistureLevel;
static MoistureLevel get_moisture_level(int adc_value) {
if (adc_value >= VERY_WET_BOUNDARY && adc_value < WET_BOUNDARY) {
return VERY_WET;
} else if (adc_value >= WET_BOUNDARY && adc_value < DRY_BOUNDARY) {
return WET;
} else if (adc_value >= DRY_BOUNDARY && adc_value < VERY_DRY_BOUNDARY) {
return DRY;
} else {
return VERY_DRY;
static const char *moisture_level_to_string(MoistureLevel level) {
switch (level) {
case VERY_DRY: return "VERY_DRY";
case DRY: return "DRY";
case WET: return "WET";
case VERY_WET: return "VERY_WET";
default: return "UNKNOWN";
static void timer_cb(void *arg) {
int moisture_value = mgos_adc_read(ADC_PIN);
MoistureLevel soil_moisture = get_moisture_level(moisture_value);
const char *result = moisture_level_to_string(soil_moisture);
LOG(LL_INFO, (“MOISTURE_LEVEL: %s”, result));
LOG(LL_INFO, (“ADC_VALUE: %d”, moisture_value));
enum mgos_app_init_result mgos_app_init(void) {
if (!mgos_adc_enable(ADC_PIN)) {
LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Couldn't Enable ADC Pin"));
LOG(LL_INFO, (“Starting Timer”));
mgos_set_timer(1000, MGOS_TIMER_REPEAT, timer_cb, NULL);
I am not understanding how to go about this. Any guidance on this matter would help a lot!
For arduino you ideally create a server-> then a service → characteristic
I want to notify every couple of seconds (atleast for the testing phase of this project)