Hi folks, I am trying to use an ESP8266 device to connect with AWS IoT. There seems to be a port binding error occurring in mgos_http_server.c. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction to solve this.
- My goal is: ensure that port 80 is properly bound by http-server on boot when integrating with AWS IoT
- My actions are: I followed the instructions here: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/apn/aws-iot-on-mongoose-os-part-1/ however, I am still getting errors regarding this port binding.
- The result I see is: [show the result - log, etc]
[Nov 1 01:35:11.384] mg_ssl_if_mbedtls.c:57 mbed TLS 2.13.1-cesanta5
[Nov 1 01:35:11.389] mgos_vfs_dev.c:73 sfl0: sysflash (), size 4194304
[Nov 1 01:35:11.395] mgos_vfs_dev.c:73 root: part ({"dev": "sfl0", "offset": 32768, "size": 524288}), size 524288
[Nov 1 01:35:11.404] mgos_vfs.c:147 /: SPIFFS @ root, opts
[Nov 1 01:35:11.539] mgos_vfs.c:319 /: size 474641, used: 119978, free: 354663
[Nov 1 01:35:11.556] mgos_sys_config.c:231 Loading conf0.json
[Nov 1 01:35:11.754] mgos_sys_config.c:231 Loading conf9.json
[Nov 1 01:35:11.762] mgos_sys_config.c:347 MAC: 807D3A7CD1DE
[Nov 1 01:35:11.767] mgos_sys_config.c:355 WDT: 30 seconds
[Nov 1 01:35:11.771] gpio_i2c_master.c:242 I2C GPIO init ok (SDA: 5, SCL: 4, freq: 100000)
[Nov 1 01:35:11.807] mgos_atca.c:266 ATECC508A @ 0/0x60: rev 0x5000 S/N 0x1234bff1a03a8b9ee, zone lock status: yes, yes; ECDH slots: 0x0c
[Nov 1 01:35:11.819] bcn 0
[Nov 1 01:35:11.819] del if1
[Nov 1 01:35:11.820] usl
[Nov 1 01:35:11.820] mode : null
[Nov 1 01:35:11.821] mgos_wifi.c:88 WiFi STA: Using config 0 (TestWifi)
[Nov 1 01:35:11.828] mgos_wifi.c:468 WiFi mode: STA
[Nov 1 01:35:11.831] esp_wifi.c:118 WiFi mode: STA
[Nov 1 01:35:11.835] mode : sta(80:7d:3a:7c:d1:de)
[Nov 1 01:35:11.837] add if0
[Nov 1 01:35:11.838] sleep disable
[Nov 1 01:35:11.839] WPA2 ENTERPRISE VERSION: [v2.0] disable
[Nov 1 01:35:11.843] mgos_wifi.c:274 WiFi STA: Connecting to TestWifi
[Nov 1 01:35:11.850] mgos_http_server.c:268 Error binding to ['80']
[Nov 1 01:35:11.854] mgos_deps_init.c:140 http-server init failed
[Nov 1 01:35:11.859] esp_main.c:184 MG init error: -32
[Nov 1 01:35:11.863] esp_main.c:198 Init failed: -32
- My expectation & question is: I expect the device to boot normally, bind to the appropriate port specified in the config, and connect to the wifi network.