I2C BME280 - Same value 21474836 for Temperature, Humidity, and Pressure

If you are asking a question, please follow this template:

  1. My goal is:
    Use BME280 sensor with ESP32 by following GitHub - mongoose-os-apps/example-arduino-adafruit-bme280-js

  2. My actions are:

git clone https://github.com/mongoose-os-apps/example-arduino-adafruit-bme280-js.git && cd example-arduino-adafruit-bme280-js
mos build --platform esp32
mos flash
mos config-set i2c.scl_gpio=22 i2c.sda_gpio=23
  1. The result I see is:
[May  1 18:24:02.101] Temperature: 21474836.470000 *C 
[May  1 18:24:02.101] Humidity: 21474836.470000 %RH 
[May  1 18:24:02.101] Pressure: 214748.364700 hPa 
  1. My expectation & question is:
[May  1 18:24:02.101] Temperature: 22.960000 *C
[May  1 18:24:02.101] Humidity: 43.650000 %RH
[May  1 18:24:02.101] Pressure: 1025.692000 hPa

First of all, thank you very much for sharing the app :wink:

The build and flash look works fine, I2C init ok

[May  1 18:24:02.101] esp32_i2c_master.c:393  I2C0 init ok (SDA: 23, SCL: 22, freq: 100000)

But I am getting the same wrong value for the sensor

[May  1 18:24:02.101] Temperature: 21474836.470000 *C 
[May  1 18:24:02.101] Humidity: 21474836.470000 %RH 
[May  1 18:24:02.101] Pressure: 214748.364700 hPa 

In additional RES_FAIL return -100

[May  1 18:24:02.101] Adafruit_BME280.RES_FAIL: -100 

Is there some update in the code or some tip I need to setup the sensor first?