I’m getting the following logs after the device connects to AWS:
> [Jul 30 10:09:41.459] mgos_rpc_channel_ua:142 0x3fff3bac Corrupted frame (0): '' '{"state": {"reported": {"ota":{"message": "idle", "status": 0, "is_cmgos_aws_shadow.c:358 Version: 0 -> 2912 (2)' 00000000 00000000
> [Jul 30 10:09:41.459] mgos_rpc_channel_ua:142 0x3fff3bac Corrupted frame (0): '' '{"state": {"reported": {"ota":{"message": "idle", "status": 0, "is_cmgos_aws_shadow.c:358 Version: 0 -> 2912 (2)' 00000000 00000000' 00000000 00000000
> [Jul 30 10:09:41.467] mgos_rpc_channel_ua:142 0x3fff3bac Corrupted frame (0): '' '{"state": {"reported": {"ota":{"message": "idle", "status": 0, "is_cmgos_aws_shadow.c:358 Version: 0 -> 2912 (2)' 00000000 00000000' 00000000 00000000' 00000000 00000000
> [Jul 30 10:09:41.573] mgos_rpc_channel_ua:142 0x3fff3bac Corrupted frame (0): '' '{"state": {"reporte
> ' 00000000 00000000
> [Jul 30 10:09:41.573] mgos_aws_shadow.c:358 Version: 0 -> 2913 (5)
> [Jul 30 10:09:41.573] mgos_aws_shadow.c:358 Version: 0 -> 2914 (5)
Or the likes of:
> [Jul 30 16:52:56.086] mg_rpc.c:486 0x3fff376c INVALID FRAME (174): '{"state": {"reported": {"ota":{"message": "idle", "status": 0, "is_committed": true, "commit_timeout": 0, "partition": 0, "progress_percent": 0}}}, "clientToken": "707ac8a8"}'
> [Jul 30 16:52:56.119] mg_rpc.c:486 0x3fff376c INVALID FRAME (174): '{"state": {"reported": {"ota":{"message": "idle", "status": 0, "is_committed": true, "commit_timeout": 0, "partition": 0, "progress_percent": 0}}}, "clientToken": "707ac8a8"}'
> [Jul 30 16:52:56.194] mg_rpc.c:486 0x3fff376c INVALID FRAME (174): '{"state": {"reported": {"ota":{"message": "idle", "status": 0, "is_committed": true, "commit_timeout": 0, "partition": 0, "progress_percent": 0}}}, "clientToken": "707ac8a8"}'
> [Jul 30 16:52:56.241] mg_rpc.c:486 0x3fff376c INVALID FRAME (174): '{"state": {"reported": {"ota":{"message": "idle", "status": 0, "is_committed": true, "commit_timeout": 0, "partition": 0, "progress_percent": 0}}}, "clientToken": "707ac8a8"}'
> [Jul 30 16:52:56.286] mg_rpc.c:486 0x3fff376c INVALID FRAME (174): '{"state": {"reported": {"ota":{"message": "idle", "status": 0, "is_committed": true, "commit_timeout": 0, "partition": 0, "progress_percent": 0}}}, "clientToken": "707ac8a8"}'
> [Jul 30 16:52:56.313] mgos_aws_shadow.c:358 Version: 0 -> 3061 (2)
Problem occurs after a rpc.loopback Sys.Reboot is called, but also occurs if normal mongoose system restart is used.
Sometimes the device follows the code normally, but most of the times it gets stuck and Core Dump it´s memory.
Any insights on this issue and/or how to solve it?