My goal is:
To synchronize a local output with a cloud shadow (AWS); that is, the output can be changed not only by the shadow but locally (button)
My actions are:
When the button is pressed, I toggle the output and call the update function as per described in the documentation: AWS.Shadow.update(0, {desired: state});
The result I see is:
a “desired” key inside the “reported” key:
My expectation & question is:
I expect a way to change the “desired” key of the shadow so AWS does not reply back with a delta.
The documentation seems incorrect, since a “reported” key is inserted here inside mgos_aws_shadow_updatevf().
Is there a way to do that ? I don’t see it but haven’t looked real deep; do I have to write my own modified mgos_aws_shadow_updatevf() and ffi it ?