I`m trying to get SSD1306 to work - tried the adafruit library first but it does not compile at all:
And now i’m stuck with:
Which does compile but it doesnt do anythign for me, the only function i am able to use is the invertDisplay that is making OLED eithter black or white ( so at least it proves that my wiring is ok ).
There isno example on how one can display a simple text - does anyone tried to use this library in the past ?
How do i draw a simple text ? My curent code:
// Initialize i2c display and show text
SSD1306.drawString(10, 10, 'Sample Text', 1, 0);
I`m getting folowing error on the above attempt to draw a string:
[Jun 1 01:26:09.565] MJS error: failed to call FFIed function: got 4 actuals, but function takes 6 args