ATCA aws-iot-setup = Invalid SSL Key

  1. My goal is:

Use ATECC608B-TNGTLS for private key storage via aws-iot-setup

  1. My actions are:

mos aws-iot-setup --use-atca --atca-slot 2

  1. The result I see is:

The command appears to function correctly, generating a new private key, signing and storing cert on FS, and updating config:


Generating ECDSA private key
ATECC608A rev 0x6003 S/N *****, config is locked, data is locked
Generating new private key in slot 2
Generating certificate request, CN: *****
Signing with slot 2...
Asking AWS for a certificate...


Writing certificate to aws-*****.crt.pem...
Uploading aws-*****.crt.pem (1139 bytes)...

Updating config:
  aws.thing_name = 
  mqtt.enable = true
  mqtt.server = *****
  mqtt.ssl_ca_cert = ca.pem
  mqtt.ssl_cert = aws-*****.crt.pem
  mqtt.ssl_key = ATCA:2
Setting new configuration...
  1. My expectation & question is:

I’m expecting a successful MQTT connection, but instead I’m getting an invalid SSL key error:

mgos_mqtt_conn.c:435    MQTT0 connecting to *****
mgos_event.c:135        ev MOS6 triggered 2 handlers
mongoose.c:3139         0x3ffce308 ***** aws-*****.crt.pem,ATCA:2,ca.pem
mgos_vfs.c:283          aws-*****.crt.pem -> /aws-*****.crt.pem pl 1 -> 1 0x3ffc06d8 (refs 1)
mgos_vfs.c:377          open aws-*****.crt.pem 0x0 0x1b6 => 0x3ffc06d8 aws-*****.crt.pem 1 => 257 (refs 1)
mgos_vfs.c:536          fstat 257 => 0x3ffc06d8:1 => 0 (size 1139)
mgos_vfs.c:536          fstat 257 => 0x3ffc06d8:1 => 0 (size 1139)
mgos_vfs.c:564          lseek 257 0 1 => 0x3ffc06d8:1 => 0
mgos_vfs.c:564          lseek 257 1024 0 => 0x3ffc06d8:1 => 1024
mgos_vfs.c:564          lseek 257 0 0 => 0x3ffc06d8:1 => 0
mgos_vfs.c:410          close 257 => 0x3ffc06d8:1 => 0 (refs 0)
mgos_vfs.c:283          ATCA:2 -> /ATCA:2 pl 1 -> 1 0x3ffc06d8 (refs 1)
mgos_vfs.c:377          open ATCA:2 0x0 0x1b6 => 0x3ffc06d8 ATCA:2 -1 => -1 (refs 0)
mongoose.c:2376         0x3ffce308 0x0 1
mgos_mqtt_conn.c:450    Error: Invalid SSL key
mgos_mqtt_conn.c:519    MQTT0 connecting after 1848 ms

It appears to be reading the certificate off the FS but it also appears to be trying to read a file named ATCA:2 from the FS.

Result is same using either 2.20.0 or latest. Any ideas on how to make this succeed?

Your chip reading seems to be failing. I’m not familiar with this so I can’t help any further