Build with latest branch fails

  1. My goal is: To compile a FW with the latest branch of Mongoose OS with ESP IDF 4.4 support
  2. My actions are: mos update latest, mos build --local --clean
  3. The result I see is:

–user 1000:1000 /bin/bash -c nice make ‘-j’ ‘4’ ‘-C’ ‘/app/fw/examples/c_mqtt’ ‘-f’ ‘/home/dev/todo/esp/mongoose-os/fw/examples/c_mqtt/deps/modules/mongoose-os/platforms/esp32/’ ‘all’ ‘MGOS_VARS_FILE=/home/dev/todo/esp/mongoose-os/fw/examples/c_mqtt/build/gen/’
make: Entering directory ‘/app/fw/examples/c_mqtt’
/home/dev/todo/esp/mongoose-os/fw/examples/c_mqtt/deps/modules/mongoose-os/platforms/esp32/ warning: overriding recipe for target ‘defconfig’
/opt/Espressif/esp-idf/make/ warning: ignoring old recipe for target ‘defconfig’
/home/dev/todo/esp/mongoose-os/fw/examples/c_mqtt/deps/modules/mongoose-os/platforms/esp32/ warning: overriding recipe for target ‘menuconfig’
/opt/Espressif/esp-idf/make/ warning: ignoring old recipe for target ‘menuconfig’
make: /bin/sh: Operation not permitted
make: python: Operation not permitted
make: python: Operation not permitted
make: mkdir: Operation not permitted
make: *** No rule to make target ‘check_python_dependencies’, needed by ‘all’. Stop.
make: Leaving directory ‘/app/fw/examples/c_mqtt’
Error: exit status 2
/src/cli/main.go:194: build failed

  1. My expectation & question is:
    The build should be handled in the docker which is actually handled by mongoose, why does it fail to compile?

What is your docker --version?
Updating docker might help.

I have

docker --version
Docker version 20.10.17, build 100c701

on a debian bullseye machine.