ESP32 core panick on Dash.notify

I try to send data to mDash dashboard with my ESP32 running Mongoose OS with the demo code. Now when i try to use:
Dash.notify(‘Data’, {temperature: 12});



let btn = Cfg.get('');              // Built-in button GPIO
let led = Cfg.get('');              // Built-in LED GPIO number
let onhi = Cfg.get('board.led1.active_high');     // LED on when high?
let state = {on: false, btnCount: 0, uptime: 0};  // Device state
let online = false;                               // Connected to the cloud?

let setLED = function(on) {
  let level = onhi ? on : !on;
  GPIO.write(led, level);
  print('LED on ->', on);

GPIO.set_mode(led, GPIO.MODE_OUTPUT);

let reportState = function() {
  Shadow.update(0, state);

// Update state every second, and report to cloud if online
Timer.set(1000, Timer.REPEAT, function() {
  state.uptime = Sys.uptime();
  state.ram_free = Sys.free_ram();
  print('online:', online, JSON.stringify(state));
  if (online) reportState();
}, null);

// Set up Shadow handler to synchronise device state with the shadow state
Shadow.addHandler(function(event, obj) {
  if (event === 'UPDATE_DELTA') {
    print('GOT DELTA:', JSON.stringify(obj));
    for (let key in obj) {  // Iterate over all keys in delta
      if (key === 'on') {   // We know about the 'on' key. Handle it!
        state.on = obj.on;  // Synchronise the state
        setLED(state.on);   // according to the delta
      } else if (key === 'reboot') {
        state.reboot = obj.reboot;      // Reboot button clicked: that
        Timer.set(750, 0, function() {  // incremented 'reboot' counter
          Sys.reboot(500);                 // Sync and schedule a reboot
        }, null);
    reportState();  // Report our new state, hopefully clearing delta

if (btn >= 0) {
  let btnCount = 0;
  let btnPull, btnEdge;
  if (Cfg.get('board.btn1.pull_up') ? GPIO.PULL_UP : GPIO.PULL_DOWN) {
    btnPull = GPIO.PULL_UP;
    btnEdge = GPIO.INT_EDGE_NEG;
  } else {
    btnPull = GPIO.PULL_DOWN;
    btnEdge = GPIO.INT_EDGE_POS;
  GPIO.set_button_handler(btn, btnPull, btnEdge, 20, function() {
    let message = JSON.stringify(state);
    let sendMQTT = true;
    if (Azure.isConnected()) {
      print('== Sending Azure D2C message:', message);
      Azure.sendD2CMsg('', message);
      sendMQTT = false;
    if (GCP.isConnected()) {
      print('== Sending GCP event:', message);
      sendMQTT = false;
    if (Watson.isConnected()) {
      print('== Sending Watson event:', message);
      Watson.sendEventJSON('ev', {d: state});
      sendMQTT = false;
    if (Dash.isConnected()) {
      print('== Click!');
      // TODO: Maybe do something else?
      Dash.notify('Data', {temperature: 12.34});
      sendMQTT = false;
    // AWS is handled as plain MQTT since it allows arbitrary topics.
    if (AWS.isConnected() || (MQTT.isConnected() && sendMQTT)) {
      let topic = 'devices/' + Cfg.get('') + '/events';
      print('== Publishing to ' + topic + ':', message);, message, 0 /* QoS */);
    } else if (sendMQTT) {
      print('== Not connected!');
  }, null);

Event.on(Event.CLOUD_CONNECTED, function() {
  online = true;
  Shadow.update(0, {ram_total: Sys.total_ram()});
}, null);

Event.on(Event.CLOUD_DISCONNECTED, function() {
  online = false;
}, null);

get this fatal error:

[Jun 17 15:11:13.422] Guru Meditation Error: Core  0 panic'ed (InstrFetchProhibited). Exception was unhandled.
[Jun 17 15:11:13.431] Core 0 register dump:
[Jun 17 15:11:13.433] PC      : 0x00000000  PS      : 0x00060030  A0      : 0x800fa8a2  A1      : 0x3ffc9d80  
[Jun 17 15:11:13.440] A2      : 0x3ffb9a14  A3      : 0x3ffb4b74  A4      : 0x3ffb99d0  A5      : 0x00000000  
[Jun 17 15:11:13.448] A6      : 0x00000000  A7      : 0x00000000  A8      : 0x800fc731  A9      : 0x3ffc9d70  
[Jun 17 15:11:13.456] A10     : 0x3ffb9a14  A11     : 0x00000000  A12     : 0x3ffb99d0  A13     : 0x00000000  
[Jun 17 15:11:13.464] A14     : 0x00000067  A15     : 0x00000000  SAR     : 0x0000000e  EXCCAUSE: 0x00000014  
[Jun 17 15:11:13.472] EXCVADDR: 0x00000000  LBEG    : 0x4000c2e0  LEND    : 0x4000c2f6  LCOUNT  : 0xffffffff  
[Jun 17 15:11:13.479] 
[Jun 17 15:11:13.480] Backtrace: 0x00000000 0x400fa89f 0x400fba11 0x400fbb4d 0x400fcea2 0x400fd1b8 0x401d6b1a 0x401d6ffa 0x401d72d3 0x401d6b1a 0x401d7e52 0x401dafc1 0x401daff3 0x401ee94d 0x401d3031 0x400839ba 0x40083b81
[Jun 17 15:11:13.497] 
[Jun 17 15:11:13.497] --- BEGIN CORE DUMP ---
[Jun 17 15:11:13.499] mos: catching core dump

Maybe someone has a solution for this.