Mongoose on ESP32 and Hardware Watchdog Issue

My goal is to have my ESP32 board running Mongoose OS successfully start with a hardware watchdog chip.

The board is designed with an STWD100 hardware watchdog, with a 1.6 second period. I put a jumper between this chip’s output and the ESP32 enable pin to facilitate debugging. The EN pin on the watchdog is not tied to the ESP32 as this can defeat the purpose of the WD.

My code that feeds this WD works well, if I start the board then place the jumper on all is good. The problem is, if I place the jumper to enable the WD (as intended for production) the ESP32 running Mongoose OS boots too slowly, and the WD chip resets the ESP32 before the code that feeds the WD has time to start.

I have tried disabling the boot messages, but still, its too slow. Is there a way to speed up the boot process?


No one else has needed to get Mongoose to boot more quickly?