MOS Tool connection error

I’d like to use a nodemcu 12E 4Meg development board to evaluate Mongoose OS
When I try to connect in MOS Tools I get a no response to handshake error
MOS Tools only lists and ESP8266 up to 2 Meg flash…could this be why I can’t connect.
I have no problem connecting to the board via Arduino, Tasmotizer or esptools

Would you please paste the response ?
Do you actually see the word “Connected” at least once ?

‘mos call’ calls a RPC function by connecting to the Mongoose-OS uart handler inside your Mongoose-OS application that mos tool flashed. If you are not able to flash a Mongoose-OS image, don’t expect to connect to a Mongoose-OS RPC service…

The command to flash is mos flash, please do that on a console, bash, cli, command terminal and if you are not able to connect then paste the text response you got. You will need a demo image to flash. Have you read the docs ?

Thanks much! Grey moment…failed to put my thinking cap on and put the cart before the horse!