Need help setting a custom "aws.thing_name"

Im noob in mongoose OS.
Im trying to change the default value of aws.thing_name what is NULL ("").
in the mos.yml file i added:


  • [“aws.thing_name”, “DESIRED_NAME”]


but this did not work,
this form is OK to change this kind of value (aws.thing_name)?
I wonder if there are other means to change parameter “aws.thing_name”
Please give me some advice.
Thank you!

The default is esp32_ABCDEF where ABCDEF are the last 6 hex digits of the MAC address when it was not set in mos.yml:

mos config-get aws.thing_name

You can change it either setting it the mos.yml of your application or using the mos tool.

  - ["aws.thing_name", "aws_thing1"]

After modifying mos.yml, build and flash.

mos config-get aws.thing_name
mos config-set aws.thing_name="thing2"
Getting configuration...
Setting new configuration...
mos config-get aws.thing_name