Hi All,
I just thought I would let you all know about a project I have been working on, ArduinoMongoose. This is a wrapper for Mongoose (the networking library not the OS) and provides an Arduino(ish) API to the Mongoose networking library. Even though I have called it ArduinoMongoose, it should also work as a standalone C++ wrapper and will hopefully make interacting with Mongoos a little easier if you prefer C++ over C.
Currently I have wrappers for HTTP client and server, including TLS support and I am currently working on the MQTT client.
Hopefully the wrapper will add very little additional runtime memory over and above Mongoose and I am trying to keep the code size down (but it is C++).
Anyway would be grateful for any comments and PRs would be gladly received.
Note: I am currently focussing on ESP32 support and have been using Platform IO/VSCode so have not really looked at other platforms.