(AWS IoT button example) AWS CloudFormation stack status is changing to ROLLBACK_COMPLETE from CREATE_IN_PROGRESS while creating new stack using aws cli

Closely following the AWS IoT button example for a few weeks now.


*Hardware: ESP8266 NodeMCU
*AWS Educate account

I have carried out the cloud side setup as well as the device side setup and the esp8266 is connected to wifi and it shows in AWS Iot core–>Manage–>Things

Everything works fine until the stack creation step is reached.
AWS CloudFormation stack status is changes to ROLLBACK_COMPLETE from CREATE_IN_PROGRESS

As per the stack events we need to use nodejs12.x as AWS lambda extends no support for nodejs4.3.
Hence I updated the aws_button_template.json --> nodejs4.3 to nodejs12.20.0. But still the stack changes to ROLLBACK_COMPLETE.
I do get the Aws SNS subscription email but stack fails and I cannot proceed further in this example.

Here are the pics of the stack events
—>this is for nodejs4.3

—> this is for nodejs12.20.0

AWS (and GCP, etc…) examples tend to “age” as the cloud providers change here and there.
I suggest you open an issue in Github.
If you have issues on the ESP or Mongoose-OS side I can try to help

I have already opened an issue on Github.
Maybe you could try it to check if the error persists this way I can come to know nothing is wrong with my esp.

Unfortunately I can not afford the time to play on that. My AWS knowledge ends at IoT Core and I’ve had no problems at that layer. It does not include Lambda functions.

If you can read spanish, I can suggest some docs on AWS IoT Core and connecting mOS to AWS, including an example on using analytics and a sort of Internet button that uses SNS and does not involve the use of Lambda functions, just plain rules at AWS IoT Core. Mongoose-OS code tested on ESP32 is available at the same web site.

PS (full disclosure): Why in spanish ? Well, a local component distributor in Argentina sells Espressif hardware and pays me to do that.