BLE notifications abbridged

If you are asking a question, please follow this template:

  1. My goal is: [describe your goal] I am trying to get notifications from a device. I am certain that the device is sending notifications upon subscription. Here is a link to video of it working with nRF.
  2. My actions are: [describe your actions - code, commands, etc] Using the helpful example in mongoose-os-apps I have copied and pasted till I get the charectaristic and try to set the notifications.
Event.on(GATTC.EV_DISCOVERY_RESULT, function(ev, evdata) {
  let dr = GATTC.getDiscoveryResultArg(evdata);
  print('Found', JSON.stringify(dr));
  if (dr.chr === 'a6ed0202-d344-460a-8075-b9e8ec90d71b') {, dr.handle);
    // GATTC.setNotifyModeCCCD(conn.connId, dr.handle + 1, GATTC.NOTIFY_MODE_NOTIFY);
    let set = GATTC.setNotifyModeCCCD(dr.conn.connId, dr.handle+1, GATTC.NOTIFY_MODE_NOTIFY);
    print('setting notifier', dr.conn.connId, dr.handle+1, GATTC.NOTIFY_MODE_NOTIFY);, dr.handle+1);
    print('set??', set)
    let adr = GATTC.getDiscoveryResultArg(evdata);
    print('xxxxx', JSON.stringify(adr));
  // else if ((dr.chr === 'a6ed0203-d344-460a-8075-b9e8ec90d71b') && (ntf === true)) {
  //, dr.handle);
  //   print('writing?', conn.connId, dr.handle, "data", true);
  //   GATTC.write(conn.connId, dr.handle, "data", true);
  // } 
}, null);

I do have GATTC.EV_NOTIFYevent handlers in the code. Omitted for brevity.
3. The result I see is: [show the result - log, etc]

[May  6 16:42:36.280] Found {"conn":{"addr":"ea:cb:3e:cf:00:0f,1","connId":0,"mtu":60},"svc":"180a","chr":"2a29","handle":26,"prop":0} 
[May  6 16:42:36.293] discovered! 
[May  6 16:42:36.302] Found {"conn":{"addr":"ea:cb:3e:cf:00:0f,1","connId":0,"mtu":60},"svc":"180a","chr":"2a2a","handle":28,"prop":0} 
[May  6 16:42:36.316] discovered! 
[May  6 16:42:36.325] Found {"conn":{"addr":"ea:cb:3e:cf:00:0f,1","connId":0,"mtu":60},"svc":"180a","chr":"2a50","handle":30,"prop":0} 
[May  6 16:42:36.338] discovered! 
[May  6 16:42:36.351] Found {"conn":{"addr":"ea:cb:3e:cf:00:0f,1","connId":0,"mtu":60},"svc":"a6ed0201-d344-460a-8075-b9e8ec90d71b","chr":"a6ed0202-d344-460a-8075-b9e8ec90d71b","handle":33,"prop":0} 
[May  6 16:42:36.379] setting notifier 0 34 1 
[May  6 16:42:36.383] set?? true 
[May  6 16:42:36.396] xxxxx {"conn":{"addr":"ea:cb:3e:cf:00:0f,1","connId":0,"mtu":60},"svc":"a6ed0201-d344-460a-8075-b9e8ec90d71b","chr":"a6ed0202-d344-460a-8075-b9e8ec90d71b","handle":33,"prop":0} 
[May  6 16:42:36.413] discovered! 
[May  6 16:42:36.421] Found {"conn":{"addr":"ea:cb:3e:cf:00:0f,1","connId":0,"mtu":60},"svc":"a6ed0201-d344-460a-8075-b9e8ec90d71b","chr":"a6ed0203-d344-460a-8075-b9e8ec90d71b","handle":36,"prop":0} 
[May  6 16:42:36.439] discovered! 
[May  6 16:42:36.447] Found {"conn":{"addr":"ea:cb:3e:cf:00:0f,1","connId":0,"mtu":60},"svc":"a6ed0201-d344-460a-8075-b9e8ec90d71b","chr":"a6ed0204-d344-460a-8075-b9e8ec90d71b","handle":38,"prop":0} 
[May  6 16:42:36.469] /////Read data: 33 false  
[May  6 16:42:36.474] /////Read data: 34 true \x00\x00 
[May  6 16:42:39.265] idle... 
  1. My expectation & question is: [describe your expectation and your question]
    My expectation & question is: [describe your expectation and your question] The example has the handle +1 I have tried with and without adding one to this. I have tried notifications and indications. I have tried staying connected and disconectiong. Any thoughts would be helpful. But I think I should be getting the notifications from the peripheral with what I have??? Thanks