- My goal is: To repartition the esp8266 (lolin D1 Mini Pro 16mb) to use the full 16mb space using mos.yml
- My actions are: I have set the following in mos.yml
FLASH_SIZE: 16777216
FS_SIZE: 6291456
I am using the following commands to erase, build and flash:
# Erase flash
esptool.py erase_flash
mos build --clean --local --platform ESP8266 && mos flash
- The result I see is:
esptool.py v2.8-dev
Found 2 serial ports
Serial port /dev/cu.usbserial-14340
Detecting chip type... ESP8266
Chip is ESP8266EX
Features: WiFi
Crystal is 26MHz
MAC: 84:0d:8e:8f:53:fd
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Erasing flash (this may take a while)...
Chip erase completed successfully in 34.5s
Hard resetting via RTS pin...
Fetching libmbedtls-esp8266.a (2.16.0) from https://github.com/mongoose-os-libs/mbedtls/releases/download/2.16.0/libmbedtls-esp8266.a...
Fetching libmongoose-esp8266.a (2.16.0) from https://github.com/mongoose-os-libs/mongoose/releases/download/2.16.0/libmongoose-esp8266.a...
Firmware saved to /Users/austin/mosProjects/SlaveEsp8266/build/fw.zip
Loaded SlaveEsp8266/esp8266 version 1.0 (20191210-132333/2.13.0-ge44f822-dirty)
Using port /dev/cu.usbserial-14340
Opening /dev/cu.usbserial-14340 @ 115200...
Connecting to ESP8266 ROM, attempt 1 of 10...
Connected, chip: ESP8266EX
Running flasher @ 921600...
E1210 13:23:50.073436 47997 common.go:73] failed to run flasher @ 921600, falling back to ROM baud rate...
Opening /dev/cu.usbserial-14340 @ 115200...
Connecting to ESP8266 ROM, attempt 1 of 10...
Connected, chip: ESP8266EX
Running flasher @ 0...
Flasher is running
Flash size: 16777216, params: 0x029f (dio,128m,80m)
Error: /private/tmp/mos-20191105-57219-1rk8su4/mos-adcad3f2ca90789fc5426dc8c6302383effaa415/src/cesanta.com/go/src/github.com/mongoose-os/mos/mos/flash/esp/flasher/flash.go:307: Images 0x8000 and 0x100000 overlap
/private/tmp/mos-20191105-57219-1rk8su4/mos-adcad3f2ca90789fc5426dc8c6302383effaa415/src/cesanta.com/go/src/github.com/mongoose-os/mos/mos/main.go:196: flash failed
- My expectation & question is: Can this be set solely in mos.yml and what am I doing wrong?