DS3231 example on esp32 not working

If you are asking a question, please follow this template:

  1. My goal is: I want to get date/month/year and time stamp, as I used to get on Arduino IDE. I flashed sample app. from the mongoose repository , but getting wrong values, which are not incrementing too.
  2. My actions are:https://github.com/mongoose-os-apps/example-arduino-ds3231-js
    I have cloned same project and flashed with necessary changes,
  3. The result I see is: 165 - 85 - 165 week of the day - 165 continously
  4. My expectation & question is: I need exact time and date as I used to get with other IDE’s

Looks like using wrong SDA,SCL pins.
You should see something like this in the console log:

esp32_i2c_master.c:402  I2C0 init ok (SDA: 32, SCL: 33, freq: 100000)

I am using ESP32 so SCL and SDA pins are (22 and 21 ) respectively.
I can see same log you mentioned above, and getting (165 - 85 - 165 week of the day - 165) this output on console log.

The default pins for ESP32 are 32 and 33. You can change them in your mos.yml

Thank you. I did the same. It worked for me.