Error Mos Tool Display

Help Me,

  1. My goal is: [Error Install Mos Tool.exe]
  2. My actions are: [App]
  3. The result I see is: [Failed to lunch Mos Tool.exe]
  4. My expectation & question is: [why is my “Mouse Tool” look like this, what do I need to fix? Help Me. please]

Apparently you’re running some obscure version of Windows , or have some strange Internet Explorer version.

so what should I do, I have updated my windows

Launch command prompt, and in the command prompt, run:

mos --start-webview=false

That will start a UI inside a browser window instead of webview. Don’t forget to kill the command prompt console when done.

I tried with command prompt, but still doesn’t work

I installed docker in order to run mos buil locally.
Since I installed Docker I cannot run mos tool anymore.
Double click on mos.exe or ./mos from shell give the same results, a black windows appear for just a moment and then nothing.
If I run mos --start-webview=false I got Error: listen tcp bind: Tentativo di accesso al socket con modalità non consentite dalle rispettive autorizzazioni di accesso. /go/src/
/go/src/ ui failed
Any help?


Which mos version are you using?

Hi Fabio,
Thanks for reply.
I updated to the last version and I tried also to download a new mos.exe file.
Actually I removed Docker too but nothing chenged.

Check if another instance of the mos tool is running. If the answer is yes, kill it and try again.

I checked, I have no other mos instance running.


I solved it.
Installing docker I enabled Hyper-V Features blocking the access to the port used by mos.exe.
In order to disable Hyper-V features, just run:
dism.exe /Online /Disable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V

Hello I have followed all the steps you mentioned here but I still haven’t solved the issue.
Please help.
Error: demo-js: Local copy in “demo-js” does not exist and fetching is not allowed
/src/cli/main.go:198: clone failed

Your problem has already been answered a couple of times at the forum and is a problem of the 2.19.1 release, downgrade: mos update 2.19.0, search for that.

Now I get this error when I clone a template project.

$ mos clone app2
app2: Does not exist, cloning from “”…
Error: couldn’t find remote ref “refs/tags/2.19.0”
/src/common/ourgit/ourgit_gogit.go:244: failed to git fetch empty 2.19.0
/src/cli/main.go:198: clone failed
exit status 1

mos clone app2 works for me with 2.18.0 and also fails with 2.19.0
Use 2.18.0 until stable one is fixed: mos update 2.18.0

The empty application is missing tags 2.19.0 and 2.19.1, hence the error.
Use either mos latest, or git clone

I didn’t know about that, where can I check for it ?

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The 2.19.0 and 2.19.1 tags has been added.