ESP32 Deepsleep ext0 power consumption

Hello and thank you in advance for any help.
My goal is: I want the ESP32 to be able to wake up via external pin using C++ not js.

My actions are to port my code from Arduino.

My code is as follows

void PutMeToSleep()
  mgos_gpio_set_mode(GPIO_NUM_33, MGOS_GPIO_MODE_INPUT);
  mgos_gpio_setup_input(GPIO_NUM_33, MGOS_GPIO_PULL_UP);
  int i = mgos_gpio_read(GPIO_NUM_33);
  if (i == 1)
    LOG(LL_INFO, ("high"));
    esp_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(GPIO_NUM_33, 0);
    LOG(LL_INFO, ("low"));
    esp_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(GPIO_NUM_33, 1);

The result:
The above code works just fine except the this setup in Arduino results in a deep sleep power consumption of about 5uA with door open and 83uA with door closed. Adding a 440kOhms external pull up resistor I get down to 4uA / 13uA. I expect the closed door result to be even better when a higher value resistor is swapped out.

In Mongooses it does not drop below 1.4mA which makes it unusable for battery operated devices.
In Mongooses with timer only deep sleep it sits at a very nice 4uA.

My expectation & question is:
If the timer deep sleep mode can work as spec, I would think the external wake up would as well.

Does anyone have any ideas.
Thanks again.
