ESP8266-12F does not work at all

After building most recent firmware locally with:
mos build --local --clean --arch esp8266

…and flashing with command:
mos flash

the system is unable to boot properly and goes into an endless loop, here are the logs:

[Jun 2 12:55:16.093] r l r c n p < x p nn ; n e b #le$e nn l b n n $ b >~ n le # n $ le rn| ne 9~ # n $ nn le nn r e p p < b >~ n le # n $ lern| n r l`e 8 ; 

[Jun 2 12:55:16.125] rBoot v1.2.1 -
[Jun 2 12:55:16.130] Flash Size: 32 Mbit
[Jun 2 12:55:16.130] Flash Mode: DIO
[Jun 2 12:55:16.146] Flash Speed: 80 MHz
[Jun 2 12:55:16.146] rBoot Option: Big flash
[Jun 2 12:55:16.146]
[Jun 2 12:55:16.162] Booting rom 0 (0x100000).
[Jun 2 12:55:16.215] r l r # n p < 8 p nn ; n e b #le$e nn l b n n $ b ~ n le # n $ le rn| ne 9~ # n $ nn le nn r e p p < b >~ n le # n $ lern| n r l`e ; ?

[Jun 2 12:55:16.246] rBoot v1.2.1 -
[Jun 2 12:55:16.252] Flash Size: 32 Mbit
[Jun 2 12:55:16.252] Flash Mode: DIO
[Jun 2 12:55:16.268] Flash Speed: 80 MHz
[Jun 2 12:55:16.268] rBoot Option: Big flash
[Jun 2 12:55:16.268]
[Jun 2 12:55:16.284] Booting rom 0 (0x100000).
[Jun 2 12:55:16.336] r l r # n p < 8 p nn ; n e b #le$e nn l b n n $ b >~ n le # n $ le 8rn| ne ~ # n $ nn le nn r e p p < b >~ n le # n $ lern| n r l`e ; ?

[Jun 2 12:55:16.368] rBoot v1.2.1 -
[Jun 2 12:55:16.373] Flash Size: 32 Mbit
[Jun 2 12:55:16.373] Flash Mode: DIO
[Jun 2 12:55:16.389] Flash Speed: 80 MHz
[Jun 2 12:55:16.389] rBoot Option: Big flash
[Jun 2 12:55:16.389]

How about mos flash esp8266 && mos console ?

The same result like before.

It appears you’re the only one with this problem.

Try another hardware.

Finally figured it out. It was an insufficient power/voltage issue, which was discussed here already. Please take care to power your board with proper source, the serial programmer power is not enough for normal operation :frowning:

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Thank you for following up, appreciated.