If you are asking a question, please follow this template:
- My goal is: To set Static IP For Eternet Interface
- My actions are: As per official doc, there is no provision for ethernet configuration
- The result I see is: From mos.yml file mentioned in this link - https://github.com/mongoose-os-libs/ethernet
It shows the ethernet configuartion as below:
- ["eth", "o", {title: "Ethernet settings"}]
- ["eth.enable", "b", false, {title: "Enable Ethernet interface"}]
- ["eth.phy_addr", "i", 0, {title: "(R)MII PHY address"}]
- ["eth.ip", "s", {title: "Static IP Address"}]
- ["eth.netmask", "s", {title: "Static Netmask"}]
- ["eth.gw", "s", {title: "Static Default Gateway"}]
- ["eth.nameserver", "s", {title: "Static DNS Server"}]
- My expectation & question is: Can I mention the same configuration in my projects’s mos.yml file and set static IP for ethernet?