Ethernet Static IP

If you are asking a question, please follow this template:

  1. My goal is: To set Static IP For Eternet Interface
  2. My actions are: As per official doc, there is no provision for ethernet configuration
  3. The result I see is: From mos.yml file mentioned in this link -
    It shows the ethernet configuartion as below:
  - ["eth", "o", {title: "Ethernet settings"}]
  - ["eth.enable", "b", false, {title: "Enable Ethernet interface"}]
  - ["eth.phy_addr", "i", 0, {title: "(R)MII PHY address"}]
  - ["eth.ip", "s", {title: "Static IP Address"}]
  - ["eth.netmask", "s", {title: "Static Netmask"}]
  - ["", "s", {title: "Static Default Gateway"}]
  - ["eth.nameserver", "s", {title: "Static DNS Server"}]
  1. My expectation & question is: Can I mention the same configuration in my projects’s mos.yml file and set static IP for ethernet?

What do you mean by that?

You can set eth.ip, eth.netmask, and eth.nameserver either in your mos.yml or as usual with mos config-set command.

  - ["eth.ip", ""]
  - ["eth.netmask", ""]
  - ["", ""]
  - ["eth.nameserver", ""]
mos config-set eth.ip="" eth.netmask="""" eth.nameserver=""

@nliviu Refer the link in question I have posted, there no configuration for ethernet (Ex: how WiFi API is explained)
Any how it is resolved.
Thank you for your response