My goal is to get GPS by parsing GPGGA string but the following error is generating.
How to parse Lat and Lan.
Error is as follows followed by code.
sscanf(data.p, “$GPGGA,%lf,%f,%c,%f,%c”,&time,&lat,&ns,&lon,&ew);
// LOG(LL_INFO, (“Scan Sentence %.*s”, data.len, data.p));
LOG(LL_INFO, (“What is string ‘%s’ \n”,data.p));
//LOG(LL_INFO,(“String saved is ‘%s’”,input));
result = strstr(data.p,str);
char *str3="\0";
int res = strcmp(result,str3);
LOG(LL_INFO,(“String saved is ‘%s’”,result));
LOG(LL_INFO,(“NO such string is present”));