- My goal is: To connect my esp32 to google iot core
- My actions are: ran mos gcp-iot-setup command
- The result I see is: error: google: could not find default credentials
- My expectation & question is: what does this error mean? How do I solve this?
You solve it … by reading the docs…
I have the same problem. But some month ago I connect ESP to IOT core without problem.
By my opinion, it is connected with gcloud command
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding YOUR_PROJECT_NAME --member=serviceAccount:cloud-iot@system.gserviceaccount.com --role=roles/pubsub.publisher, but this command runs without problems and show a lot of credentials.
I tried to add credentials through Googlу Console, load json with key and add it to enviroment - it does not help me. Have anybody sugestion for this problem?
This did not solve it for me. I am using an ESP32 with the SSD1306 mounted on the dev board.