How to get rid of core dumps (or at least redirect them)

Hi all,

During my investigation concerning ESP32 watchdog, I encountered the problem of the coredumps.
How can I suppress coredumps, or at least redirect them to an UART of my choice?

I have tried every combination with
But either I could not compile anymore (version problem?) or it just did not work suppressing coredumps.
So, whatever I do, I get a coredump on UART0, which I must get rid of, because the module listening on this interface could be harmed.


Has anybody an idea??

It might be useful to share your mos.yml file in case there is an error there somewhere causing the build vars not to be picked up

The recommended approach is to use another UART for comms.
AFAIK you can redirect/suppress the log output with proper settings in your mos.yml, but that works once the system is up. A core dump is a response to an exception and the system may not be up, or even some logs may come from the IDF.
I’m not sure, I think I read 2.19.something redirects the IDF output (or something like that), so you might be lucky,
What I’ve seen done works for the regular logs, I don’t think it works for core dumps nor the first boot stages:

  - ["debug.stdout_uart", -1]
  - ["debug.stderr_uart", -1]
mgos_uart_set_dispatcher(0, your_serial_dispatcher, NULL /* arg */);

For control in a lower level, I can’t help.

Here my test sources. In mos.yml you can see the four blocks I have tested with comments.
(I tested it on a Olimex ESP-PoE hardware with a led at GPIO2)

Unfortunately, your two lines do not help, the coredump is written anyway. I hoped so, too!

But as far as I have seen, the coredump is written by the ESP32 only, and not by the ESP8266. On the ESP32-System, I can take another Uart for the listening device, so it is no problem!

Thanks a lot for your inputs!


author: Rolf
description: FreeRTOS Watchdog Tests
version: 1.0

#platform: esp8266
platform: esp32

    #- "-DPLATFORM_ESP8266="
    - "-DPLATFORM_ESP32="

  - src

## Tests for suppress core dumps:
## Test 1: Not compilable: "undefined reference to 'mgos_freertos_extract_regs' ..." ???
#    ${build_vars.ESP_IDF_SDKCONFIG_OPTS}

## Test 2: Compilable but no effect, coredump is sent anyway:  
#    ${build_vars.ESP_IDF_SDKCONFIG_OPTS}
## Test 3: Compilable but no effect, coredump is sent anyway:  
#    ${build_vars.ESP_IDF_SDKCONFIG_OPTS}
## Test 4: Compilable but no effect, coredump is sent anyway:  
#    ${build_vars.ESP_IDF_SDKCONFIG_OPTS}

  - ["debug.stdout_uart", -1]
  - ["debug.stderr_uart", -1]     
 #- ["sys.wdt_timeout", "i", 10, {title: "Watchdog timeout seconds (default value = 30 (?))"}]

manifest_version: 2017-05-18
libs_version: ${mos_version}
modules_version: ${mos_version}
mongoose_os_version: ${mos_version}


#include "mgos.h"
#if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32)
	#include "FreeRTOS.h"

// ESP32-Olimex-PoE with led on Gpio2:
#if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32)
	#define LED_PIN 2
// ESP8266-NodeMcuV2 with led on Gpio16:
#if defined(PLATFORM_ESP8266)
	#define LED_PIN 16

#define WDT_CHECK_TIME_ms 1000

static void wdtFunction(void* pArg)
    #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32)
		mgos_wdt_set_timeout(10); // Optional! (Overwrites the 'sys.wdt_timeout' in the yml-file, which has a default of 30 sec)
		mgos_wdt_enable();	      // Mandatory!
		//mgos_wdt_feed();        // Optional: No 'first feed' is necessary!

		TickType_t xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
		static int counter = 0;
		for(;;) {
			// Feed the watchdog for the first x loops (10 sec in this case!), stop afterwards to let watchdog bite:
			if ((counter++) < 10) {
			// Delay:
			vTaskDelayUntil(&xLastWakeTime, WDT_CHECK_TIME_ms / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
	#if defined(PLATFORM_ESP8266)
	static int counter = 0;
	// After the first x loops, stop the system (10 sec in this case!), to let watchdog bite:
	if ((counter++) > 10) {
		for (;;) {

void ledTimer_cb(void* arg)
	// Blink led:
	static bool bState = true;
	bState = !bState;
	mgos_gpio_write(LED_PIN, bState);

enum mgos_app_init_result mgos_app_init(void)
	#if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32)
		// Create extra watchdog task:
		xTaskCreate(wdtFunction, "WDT_TASK", 500, NULL, 1, NULL );
	#if defined(PLATFORM_ESP8266)
		// Start timer for watchdog:
		mgos_set_timer(WDT_CHECK_TIME_ms, MGOS_TIMER_REPEAT, wdtFunction, NULL);
	// Set led pin to output:
	mgos_gpio_set_mode(LED_PIN, MGOS_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
	// Start timer to blink led:
	mgos_set_timer(100, MGOS_TIMER_REPEAT, ledTimer_cb, NULL);
	// Return success:

I’m not an 8266 fan (or acquaintant), I believe it has a second UART but definitely it has a second pair of pins. You may connect to the second UART or to the second set of pins, and enable them when your application starts.

Not sure why you are getting an error with “Test 1” but it compiles fine for me.
I did some mucking around a while back to add Espressif sources to my build path so maybe thats it?

ignore this, I was wrong

Since 2.19.0 Mongoose OS uses esp-idf (4.2-r1) and mgos_freertos_extract_regs definition is protected by CONFIG_ESP32_ENABLE_COREDUMP_TO_UART.

In previous versions there was simply a #if 1.

This means that ‘CONFIG_ESP32_ENABLE_COREDUMP_TO_NONE=y’ is not possible anymore since version 2.19.0, if I understand your statement correctly, @nliviu?

As I mentionned, this is finally no problem for me, because on the ESP32 I can use another uart and on ESP8266 there is no coredump.

Thanks a lot for your inputs!

Yes, no