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Hash a string using MD5
My actions are: [describe your actions - code, commands, etc]
looking for documentation
The result I see is: [show the result - log, etc]
My expectation & question is: [describe your expectation and your question]
Is there a library for MD5 and any special setup to include it in the build process?
Just for posterity, ie other people wondering, this is how you generate a md5 hex hash:
static bool make_uuid_md5(const char* name, char* uuid, size_t uuid_len) {
/* how to use:
char const* payload = "Hello SHA 256 from ESP32learning";
int size = 16; // MD5 is 16 bytes
char hashResult[(size * 2) + 1];
make_uuid_md5((const char*)payload, hashResult, (size_t)size);
LOG(LL_DEBUG, ("uuid result in 10: %s", hashResult));
mbedtls_md5_context ctx;
mbedtls_md5_update(&ctx, (const uint8_t*)name, strlen(name));
uint8_t size = 16;
uint8_t hash[size];
mbedtls_md5_finish(&ctx, hash);
LOG(LL_INFO, ("uuid_md5 : %s", hash));
/* Allocate twice the number of the bytes in the buf array because each byte would be
* converted to two hex characters, also add an extra space for the terminating null byte
* [size] is the size of the buf array, ie:
* char output[(size * 2) + 1];
* */
/* pointer to the first item (0 index) of the output array */
char* ptr = &uuid[0];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
/* sprintf converts each byte to 2 chars hex string and a null byte, for example
* 10 => "0A\0".
* These three chars would be added to the output array starting from
* the ptr location, for example if ptr is pointing at 0 index then the hex chars
* "0A\0" would be written as output[0] = '0', output[1] = 'A' and output[2] = '\0'.
* sprintf returns the number of chars written execluding the null byte, in our case
* this would be 2. Then we move the ptr location two steps ahead so that the next
* hex char would be written just after this one and overriding this one's null byte.
* We don't need to add a terminating null byte because it's already added from
* the last hex string. */
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "%02X", hash[i]);
//printf("uuid final: %s\n", output);
return true;
char const* payload = "Hello world this is hush hush";
int size = 16;
char hashResult[(size * 2) + 1];
make_uuid_md5((const char*)payload, hashResult, (size_t)size);
LOG(LL_DEBUG, ("hash in hex result: %s", hashResult));