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My goal is:
Trying to create a json object in the format state.container[variable].type = value to update a Shadow using dynamic variables.
e.g. state: {“connected”: true, “container”: {“30AEABCD” : {“type” : 12}}}
My actions are:
In my mjs, I’m initialising state object as follows: let state = { connected: true, container: {} }
However, I want to dynamically update my Shadow by setting for example: state.container[Mac].type=12
If I simply do this, it works (but isn’t what I’m looking for):
state.continaer[Mac] = 12
The result I see is:
I get an MJS error: MJS callback error: unsupported object type
My expectation & question is: Please can somebody help me properly initialise the state object to allow me to dynamically add in the type for a specific Mac variable?
let create_state_string = ffi('char* create_state(bool, char*, int)');
let state_string = create_state_string(true, "234567890AB", 12);
let state = JSON.parse(state_string);
print('state from C: ' + JSON.stringify(state));
state from C: {"container":{"234567890AB":{"type":12}},"connected":true}
Thanks @nliviu. I managed to find a sort of workaround, by doing the following:
let sub_state = {};
sub_state.type = 12;
state.container[mac] = sub_state;
When I call shadow.update(0,state) it correctly adds my desired structure to the JSON. However I also then want to be able to check the currently stored type for a given device by calling something like:
let t = state.container[Mac].type;
Which doesn’t work.
What I’m trying to achieve is a way to save 4-5 variables for a number of child devices in my device shadow, each identified by their Mac address.
Is there a better way to structure my JSON to achieve this goal, whilst still allowing me to use a JS object to read/write the values within my mjs code?
I think I might have almost answered my own question: Using a JS checker, this seems to work correctly:
let mac = "30AEABCD";
let compartment = {};
compartment[mac] = {online:true};
if (isEmpty(compartment[mac])) {
console.log("creating new object");
compartment[mac] = {}
compartment[mac].type = 12;
function isEmpty(obj) {
for (var x in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(x)) return false;
return true;
However, I don’t think mjs can do obj.hasOwnProperty(x), or perhaps the issue is with the for (var in obj) part. Either way, I’m struggling to work out how to check whether compartment[mac] has been defined so that I can initialise it only if necessary without wiping out previous data