My goal is: [describe your goal]
Figure out why existing mos license is not valid after OTA -
My actions are: [describe your actions - code, commands, etc]
We OTA an ESP32 that was already licensed using mos license but it then responds to an OTA with the “free version can only perform OTA…” message -
The result I see is: [show the result - log, etc]
“message”: “Free version can only perform OTA from mDash (https://dash.mongoose-os.com). In order to OTA from any location, license your device by following https://mongoose-os.com/docs/mongoose-os/userguide/licensing.md (PID: mos, UID: 0f9c2b8593f10c69)”,
possibly the device UID is changing from the OTA?
- My expectation & question is: [describe your expectation and your question]
We should be able to keep OTAing the ESP32 after that initial mos license- we should not need to use another license.
Important note:
This appears to be happening on ESP32 devices that use the LFS filesystem- not sure if that may be relevant:
FreeRTOS option to enable statically allocated task stacks.
MGOS_ROOT_FS_TYPE: LFS # Using LFS for faster support of >1.5mb partitions
MGOS_ROOT_FS_SIZE: 0x380000 # Filesystem 3.8MB
APP_SLOT_SIZE: 0x380000 # Firmware 3.8MB
FreeRTOS option to enable statically allocated task stacks.