I’m designing an IoT product and I’m looking for a ready OTA solution compatible with STM32F413 MCUs.
The target product will use STM32F413VGT6, the development board is NUCLEO-F413ZH.
There is no support for these MCUs in MOS GUI at the moment, so I started to analyze the code to find out if it is possible to adapt the Mongoose OS myself.
I have locally compiled an application using the NUCLEO-F746ZG target platform, available in the GUI. In the build log I see reference to the precompiled libraries: libmongoose-stm32-NUCLEO-F746ZG-latest.a, libota-common-stm32-NUCLEO-F746ZG-latest.a, libota-common-stm32-NUCLEO-F746ZG-latest.a, etc.
I’m wondering if it is actually feasible to adapt the Mongoose OS for the STM32F413 without having a dedicated versions of the libraries ? Is there any MCU-specific logic inside the precompiled libs ?
If there is, how could I get the version for STM32F413 ?
I don’t know anything about the STM32 platform, but I think you should contact Cesanta about adding support for your device.