Remote Build Process is currently not working

  1. My goal is: to build code
  2. My actions are: mos build
  3. The result I see is:$ mos build --platform esp8266
    Connecting to, user test
    Uploading sources (2311 bytes)
    Error: Post x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid
    /src/cli/main.go:194: build failed
    exit status 1
    Command completed.
  4. My expectation & question is: Is this an issue from server? How to resolve it?

Remote build still not working (certificate problem). Since Monday.
Will this be fixed?

Just posted in Gitter and now I found the forum has already reported the SSL cert in build server expired.

Doing local build on a mac mini dual core monterrey with docker take approx 12.5 mins to complete.

I was in the same boat with docker builds taking forever, then I read this post and haven’t looked back!


The certificate issue is sorted.
Apologies for the inconvenience.

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