Hey folks!
Hope you are well. I am reaching out to you with an issue in our project. The project comprises 3 main components: (1) an ESP-12S Wifi Module (ESP8266), (2) a Firebase real-time database, and (3) Google Cloud Platform (GCP) cloud functions. The ESP8266 is flashed with a firmware written in C++ and with the aid of Mongoose OS. After flashing it, the device is registered to GCP via a cloud IoT core registry. Once registered, the GCP cloud functions create a device entry in the Firebase database, and the functions also take care of the MQTT communication between the cloud and the ESP8266.
- My goal is:
My goal is to use the Mongoose REST API to send a POST request to the ESP8266 with a JSON string that includes an SSID and its corresponding password, so the ESP8266 can connect to this network.
- My actions are:
I use the function included below to extract the body of the JSON POST request after which I use the mg_get_http_var() Mongoose function to extract the SSID and the password parameters.
void wifi_ap::handle_set_wifi_config(struct mg_connection *c, int ev, void *p, void *user_data) {
if (ev != MG_EV_HTTP_REQUEST) return;
LOG(LL_INFO, ("Http request: wifi config"));
// Get the ssid and password
char wifi_ssid[32];
char wifi_password[64];
struct http_message *hm = (struct http_message *) p;
mg_get_http_var(&(hm->body),"ssid", wifi_ssid, 32);
mg_get_http_var(&(hm->body),"password", wifi_password, 64);
LOG(LL_INFO, ("Connecting to Wifi"));
LOG(LL_INFO, ("SSID: %s", wifi_ssid));
LOG(LL_INFO, ("Pass.: %s", wifi_password));
// Set and save ssid and password
char *err = NULL;
save_cfg(&mgos_sys_config, &err); // Writes conf9.json
LOG(LL_INFO, ("Saving configuration: %s\n", err ? err : "no error"));
mg_send_response_line(c, 200, "Content-Type: application/json\r\n");
c->flags |= (MG_F_SEND_AND_CLOSE);
(void) user_data;
I would like to use the following CLI command to send the POST request to the ESP8266:
curl --header âContent-Type: application/jsonâ --request POST --data â{âssidâ:âname of wifi networkâ,âpasswordâ:âpassword to wifi networkâ}â http://IP_address_of_ESP8266/set_wifi_config/
The handle_set_wifi_config function is registered at the /set_wifi_config HTTP endpoint via mgos_register_http_endpoint("/set_wifi_config", handle_set_wifi_config, NULL);.
I seek to use the above functionality in both AP and STA mode.
- The result I see is:
This is what I see when I monitor the serial port of the ESP8266.
mgos_http_server.c:176 0x3fff3624 HTTP connection from :40878
ap.cpp:24 Http request: wifi config
ap.cpp:32 Connecting to Wifi
ap.cpp:33 SSID:
ap.cpp:34 Pass.:
ap.cpp:43 Saving configuration: STA SSID must be between 1 and 31 chars
mgos_wifi.c:263 WiFi STA: STA SSID must be between 1 and 31 chars
sta.cpp:15 Wifi STA setup failed
- My expectation & question is:
I expect to successfully extract the SSID and password parameters from the POST request JSON, but I seem to end up with empty strings - both of which I try to print out and get nothing. My question is: am I missing something obvious here? I read the corresponding documentation and checked my code against other examples online, and I am quite positive that it should work. This leads me to think that I am missing something fundamental, which is why I decided to post this question.
Your help would be greatly appreciated!