Strategy for provisioning devices in mDash?

This is my second post and thanks to my first post here; my project has come to a point that I am now need a strategy for handling the provisioning of devices in the field / or at the “factory”.

Currently I have the mDash-token in the mos.yml file, on my test bench I have 4 devices, this means that I have built 4 versions of the same firmware with the only difference being the mDash-token.

  1. My goal is:
    To have one firmware for all my devices and a way of simply adding unique mDash-tokens to each device as a part of a provisioning process.

  2. My actions are:
    I have googled and looked around on this forum, I think the solution probably has to do with the configuration files conf0.json … conf9.json.

  3. The result I see is:
    None so far.

  4. My expectation & question is:
    A strategy as well as a technical description how to implement that strategy would be fantastic :).

Thanks in advance,