Using the "Revealing Module" pattern and privileged methods

I have a C function which takes a callback and which I need to access from JS. Because of the restrictions in the number of parameters that can be passed from JS to C I need an intermediate local callback inside my JS API to do some processing on the parameters before the “user” callback is actually called. I am using the Revealing Module pattern to hide this local callback so that it does not appear in the API (as that would be confusing for the user). However, I cannot get the privileged (this.) bit of the construction to work, it gives me a parser error. Below is my code, where the place that the parser error occurs is indicated in a comment.

Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong?

let test = (function () {
    let publicApi = {};
    let userCallback = null;

    let localCallback = function(parameter) {
        if (userCallback !== null) {
            // Some local processing on parameter goes here
            userCallback = null;

    publicApi.start = function (callback) {
        this.userCallback = callback;
        // Parser error occurs on the line below, where argument 0 (this.localCallback) results in the 
        // error "MJS Print: actual arg #0 is not a function, but undefined"
        ffi(void myCFunction(void (*) (void *, userdata), userdata)')(this.localCallback, null);

    return publicApi;

let myCallback = function(parameter) {
    print("myCallback() has been called with parameter ", parameter, ".\n");

let testObject = test;


Ah, I see that closures are not supported so this isn’t gonna work anyway. Never mind…