Why is this Mongoose populate query not working

In my DB, I have collection “totalpoints” with the following sample document:

      "_id": {
        "playerId": "113069",
        "tournamentId": "197831"
      "playerName": "xyz",
      "pointsTotal": 0,
      "__v": 0

For one of my other collection named “teams”, I defined the following schema:

const teamsSchema = new Schema({
        _id: {
            teamName: String,
            tournamentId: String
        tournamentName: String,
        player1: {
            type:  Schema.Types.ObjectId,
            ref: 'PointTotal',

What I get in team collection in monogodb is this document:

        "_id": {
            "teamName": "BILALATI6449",
            "tournamentId": "197831"
        "tournamentName": "Amanora Cricket Championship 2021",
        "player1": {
            "playerId": "113069",
            "tournamentId": "197831"
      "_v": 0

But, when I execute the following code:

const doc = await Team.findOne({
                "_id.teamName": "BILALATI6449",
                "_id.tournamentId": "197831"

the following result prints to console and .populate doesn’t do its job:-

      _id: { teamName: 'BILALATI6449', tournamentId: '197831' },
      tournamentName: 'Amanora Cricket Championship 2021',
      __v: 0

Can someone help me to figure out what the problem is?

Here’s the full document sample from the team collection. I have simplified it above:

      "_id": {
        "teamName": "BILALATI6449",
        "tournamentId": "197831"
      "tournamentName": "Amanora Cricket Championship 2021",
      "player1": {
        "playerId": "2331078",
        "tournamentId": "197831"
      "player2": {
        "playerId": "196713",
        "tournamentId": "197831"
      "player3": {
        "playerId": "113069",
        "tournamentId": "197831"
      "player4": {
        "playerId": "249044",
        "tournamentId": "197831"
      "player5": {
        "playerId": "113129",
        "tournamentId": "197831"
      "player6": {
        "playerId": "181056",
        "tournamentId": "197831"
      "player7": {
        "playerId": "658022",
        "tournamentId": "197831"
      "player8": {
        "playerId": "182623",
        "tournamentId": "197831"
      "player9": {
        "playerId": "249047",
        "tournamentId": "197831"
      "player10": {
        "playerId": "658053",
        "tournamentId": "197831"
      "player11": {
        "playerId": "658057",
        "tournamentId": "197831"
      "__v": 0

Looks like you’ve hit the wrong mongoose.