Thank you for the reply.
does it contain any example firmware to start testing with?
I have added the captival portal wifi stack to my present libraries.but getting some errors when combined with my application.
I downloaded the demo application just like other mongoose os example application and using the moss tool when i built it using mos build cc3220 i am getting some errors.
here are some of the logs i went through in mos tool after build
warning: the lib “captive portal stack” does not have version 2.15.0
“/data/fwbuild-volumes/2.15.0/apps/captive-portal-wifi-stack-demo-master/cc3220/build_contexts/build_ctx_642803678/deps/wifi/src/mgos_wifi.c”, line 463: error #137: struct “mgos_config_wifi_ap” has no field “keep_enabled”
1 error detected in the compilation of “/data/fwbuild-volumes/2.15.0/apps/captive-portal-wifi-stack-demo-master/cc3220/build_contexts/build_ctx_642803678/deps/wifi/src/mgos_wifi.c”.
There is an example demonstration called Full IoT product: smart light on Mongoose OS in git which i downloaded and tried to build, here again there is build problems but in the read me its is mentioned that it is compatible with CC3220. It has the wifi provisioning from the mobile APP.
how can i get more information from mongoose os team to interface with cc3220?